In the event of inclement weather or other circumstances, Hall County Schools may participate in School From Home. The schedule is as follows:
Day 1: Students should complete assignments for 1st Period, 3rd Period and 5th Period.
Day 2: Students should complete assignments for 2nd Period, 4th Period and 6th Period.
Day 3: Students should complete assignments for 1st Period, 3rd Period and 5th Period.
Day 4: Students should complete assignments for 2nd Period, 4th Period and 6th Period.
If School From Home continues for more than 4 days, begin the schedule again with Day 1.
To find their assignments, students should log in to Launchpoint, then go to the specified teachers’ Canvas pages. Further instructions and assignments will be found on Canvas.
*NOTE: For Chorus assignments, please click here to visit the Chorus Website.