This course is based on master computation skills dealing with fractions and decimals. Percents are introduced and high concepts in geometry and measurement are taught. Problem solving skills are emphasized and are an integral part of daily instruction.
Sixth grade students study Earth Science. Studies will include Earth structure, Earth surface changes and man’s impact on those changes, oceanography, weather, water systems, the Solar System, natural resources and conservation, and the formation of the universe. A strong emphasis is placed on scientific inquiry and the nature of science.
Social Studies
This course deals with the past and present of the Americas (including Canada), Europe, Russia and Oceania. Maps and globe skills are incorporated into the studies. Textbook – An Introduction to World Studies: People, Places and Change (Western World), Holt
Language Arts
Emphasis is placed on writing of correct simple and compound sentences and writing a well-developed paragraph. Reasons for writing and forms of writing are taught. For reading instruction, class studies include contemporary fiction, biographies, science fiction, autobiographies, poetry and mythology. Textbook – Writing and Grammar, Communications in Action, Prentice Hall; Everyday Spelling, Prentice Hall